Overcurrent Protection of Radial Distribution Network


  • M. H. Hairi Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Malaysia.
  • M. N. Kamarudin
  • A.S. M. Isira
  • M. F. P. Mohamed
  • S. A. Sobri


Overcurrent relay is the device that used in the protection of the power system network when there is any presence of fault. This paper represents the performance of  overcurrent protection of radial distribution network. The response of the current and the IDMT relays in the network is simulated in PSCAD software by determined the setting of pickup current and time dial setting (TMS). The simulation results are obtained and verified by the calculation using the formula as shown in the content.


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How to Cite

Hairi, M. H., Kamarudin , M. N., Isira, A. M., Mohamed, M. F. P., & Sobri, S. A. . (2022). Overcurrent Protection of Radial Distribution Network. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEEAS), 5(2). Retrieved from https://ijeeas.utem.edu.my/ijeeas/article/view/6102