Peer Review Policy
Peer Review Process
Publication is twice a year and all submissions will be peer-reviewed by the local and international experts in each field. Publication of the selected manuscripts is free of charge (FOC) with no article processing/submission charges. The articles published by this journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. IJEEAS is planning to have its publication indexed in the highly reputable indexing entities in the near future.
In order to confirm the validity of the work reported, the article is reviewed by at least two reviewers who are chosen from our panel of experts in their respective fields. In case of conflicting review between two reviewers, the third reviewer will be assigned to conclude the review process. The review process uses double-blind review in which the identity of both authors and reviewers are concealed. IJEEAS utilizes Open Journal System (OJS) for paper submission and for tracking the progress of a submitted article.
The review is then submitted to the journal, with a recommendation regarding the publication of the article based on the following categories:
- Accept submission: The article is accepted for publication by the IJEEAS. Minimal revisions are required by the authors to ensure that the article is ready for publication.
- Revisions required: The article is accepted for publication by the IJEEAS, but the authors must first address several issues regarding its content and / or structure before it is ready for publication.
- Resubmit for review: The article needs substantial revision of its content and / or its structure and the article cannot be accepted for publication presently. However, because the article shows promise, the authors should revise the entry and then resubmit it to the IJEEAS for reconsideration.*
- Decline submission: The article is not accepted for publication. The article’s purpose, content, and/ or use of research are not appropriate for the IJEEAS.
The reviewers’ decision, along with their recommendations and reports, will be forwarded to the authors as quickly as possible.