Design and Simulation of Full State Feedback Controller for DC Motor


  • Kevin Love Mr
  • Carl Kriger Supervisor
  • Nomzamo Tshemese-Mvandaba Co-supervisor



This paper presents the design and simulation of a Full State Feedback (FSFB) controller which controls the angular position of  Direct Current (DC) motor. The controller is used to reduce the rise time of the system when given a position set point. An integral controller is then added to reduce the steady state error of the output. Once the transfer function of the DC motor is found, the mathematical model is converted to state space. The process involves utilizing the Pole placement technique to identify the state feedback gain, which subsequently improves the system’s response time. The results, which are simulated in Simulink, show that the addition of FSFB control significantly reduces the rise time of the response from 4.013s to 0.966s. To overcome the steady-state error of 9.84, integral control is added which reduced the error to zero. A reduction in rise time and steady state-error proves that a FSFB controller with integral control performs better than the original closed loop system without a controller. The research contribution is based on the mathematical modeling of a DC motor and the development of a state feedback controller, aiming to simplify the modeling process with its associated controllers. The methods presented can be used on any DC motor with known parameters. Finally, the control system is tested using random set points to prove the resilience of the controller to input changes.   


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How to Cite

Love, K., Kriger, C., & Tshemese-Mvandaba , N. (2024). Design and Simulation of Full State Feedback Controller for DC Motor. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEEAS), 7(1).