Comparative Analysis of Input Shaping Techniques for Sway Control of Nonlinear Crane System


  • nura musa tahir Abubakar Tabawa Balewa University Bauchi,Nigeria (ATBU)


This paper compares output based input shaping with a conventional command shaping in suppressing sway of a nonlinear crane system. The output-based input shaping filter is designed using the output signal of the target system while conventional input shaping filters are designed using the natural frequency and damping ratio of the system. Zero vibration (ZV), zero vibration derivative (ZVD), zero vibration derivative, derivatives (ZVDD) and zero vibration and triple derivative (ZVDDD) were designed and compared with the output based filter to investigate the performances and robustness of the filters. Level of sway reduction of the payload and time response analysis is used to assess the performance of the shapers. Simulation results showed that the output based filter has a better performance and it is more robust compared to the conventional input shapers and does not require model information of the system.


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Author Biography

nura musa tahir, Abubakar Tabawa Balewa University Bauchi,Nigeria (ATBU)

Department of Mechatronics and System Engineering, Lecturer


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How to Cite

tahir, nura musa. (2018). Comparative Analysis of Input Shaping Techniques for Sway Control of Nonlinear Crane System. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEEAS), 1(2), 13–20. Retrieved from